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Saturday, May 3, 2008


After all the delays, traffic and other circumstances, I was able to watch the IRON MAN movie with my family. It was also a good thing that it was a reserved-seat movie house and I got good seats. I was very excited because it was something I've waited for since I saw the trailer online. And believe me, it was all worth the wait.

I will not tell you about the story nor any scenes that can give away the movie. But I will tell you that watching the movie will give you a sense of adventure and excitement. When I sat down, I felt like a kid again (as if I didn't feel like one everyday). Was the trailer just a come on or does the movie really rock. Well, the movie rocks 100%. From the opening scene till the last, I was at the edge of my seat. I didn't even notice that two (2) hours already passed by. I was so enveloped with the drama and suspense.

Not only that, it felt like the comics I read as a kid jumped into the screen. It's not anymore a drawing or a cartoon. It was a "real-life" figure. It was IRON MAN. Martin Downey Jr. is Tony Stark. He breathe life into the character. He was Tony Stark. I just love how he made the character his own.

The movie will not disappoint the avid comic fans of IRON MAN. It did stick to the original plot of the story. If you have not read a single comic book about the hero, the movie will tell you how he started and more. Leaving the theater will make you an orientation on IRON MAN.

And that's what is good about the movie makers. They do know that IRON MAN has a loyal fan base. If they do something dastardly, then the internet will be flocked with "DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!" posts. So far, I haven't read them yet.

IRON MAN has a lot of lessons to learn: the importance of a second chance, the value of power, what to do when given the power to change the world..etc. I'm sure you will be able to get some lessons to learn in the film.

I'm sure you will agree with me on this. Now is the best time to really make this film. If it were done years ago, it will not give any justice. The movie will flop big time. But with the advances of CGI technology, IRON MAN truly is a work on art on film. They made him do stuff that we could not do years ago. Kudos to the film makers and the nameless and faceless people who tirelessly made the CGI work wonders. Good job guys!!!

Personally, we have not seen the last of IRON MAN. Just like Spider-man and Fantastic Four, we will see a franchise on this character. I can't wait to see the other characters on film.

Have you watched the film already? Tell me what you think. Post your COMMENTS here. Let me know what you think. I want to hear from you!!!

Enjoy the movie, folks! FIVE STARS.


Anonymous said...

This was a great movie however the lack of appearances of iron man as iron man is going to kill its chances. My son was bored out of his mind the first half of the film until the iron man suit appeared (not the bulky one). I would have liked to have seen iron man do more. I hope this doesn't' kill any chances of a sequel.

Rodney Garcia said...

Thank you for posting your comment about IRON MAN. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get your name nor an email address so I couldn't personally thank you.

I'm glad you and your son enjoyed the movie. I brought my son too and he was glued. A few weeks ago, he started playing MARVEL ALLIANCE in his PSP and got introduced to IRON MAN. Now, he's seeing him on screen which was very cool.

True. Iron Man not truly visible for most part of the movie could be a turn-off for kids since they did want to see IRON MAN. But the progression of Mark I to Mark III was helpful to establish the character and the origin. Maybe later on he will appreciate how the movie depicted the start of IRON MAN. Unlike us, we had to settle for the cartoon or comic version which didn't seem real enough.

Thanks again for posting. Please be an avid poster. I love to interact with you guys.

Until then!