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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I just got home from the movie theater. My family and I caught the last full show of SPEED RACER - a movie depicted from the old anime/cartoon series about a family who goes on fighting the evil elements through racing. I was excited to watch it because it does look cool. But after about 10 minutes, I got sleepy. Not just me but my wife and son.

There were some high points. The effects were very cool. The color and contrasts of the movie were pumped up to look like it came out of a comic book/cartoon. It was fun to see the cartoon characters in real life (especially Pops and Trixie). Unfortunately, the movie's pacing was like a traffic jam - slow and steady.

Yes. I admit. The races were pretty exciting. Cars jumping from one part of the tract to another. But the spinning cars can get quite boring after a few scene. It looked repetitive. Yes. The Mach 5 was awesome and much better looking than the cartoon version. Plus, it was cooler when they put some modifications on it.

However, the in-between racing scene were draggy. I was boring. Somehow, I felt they were starting to talk "blah.blah.blah." I was drowning in the dialogue. If they only spruced up these scenes, the movie would have been fine. My wife felt that we wasted 2 hours and 15 minutes of our lives which would have been better spent at home.

I hate to burst your bubble but it's not one of those movies I'd go and see again (unlike Iron Man). Unlike IRON MAN that got me to the edge of my seat, this movie made me want to go home already. It's unlikely I would buy a DVD of this movie either.

Speed Racer was so slow that it made me feel sleepy. If you're a fan, go watch it. You'll get a kick out of seeing the cartoon in reel/real life. If not, go watch something else.

So that's my take with Speed Racer. If you watched it already, let me know what you think about it. If you believe my comments here are true, then back me up. If not, let me know. There's always something to talk about.

Can't wait to hear from ya.