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Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Rejection is very hard to accept especially if you were not able to explain yourself nor were given a chance to do so. We get rejected everyday. We just don't take notice sometimes because it's not much of a big deal. Just like when they don't let you part in a space or maybe someone didn't accept that brochure you're giving out in public.

But there are moments when rejections are BIG DEALS. These are the events that changes your life completely. When a girl you're courting suddenly tells you the "It's not you. It's me." routine. (Basically, she's telling you that you're not cut out to be with me.) Or how about being denied by the college you're dreamed of going to all your life. How about that job you're always wanted but was told you were not qualified to work in their company? The list goes on and on.

True. We are rejected at times by the people we don't know and the people we do know. The hurt is there. The disappointment is a lingering sensation. Our mind tell us the things we should have and should have not done. Or maybe what we should have said when given the chance. But we have no power to blast to the past.

We have to more forward.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves that we want to give up. I think it's but natural. Our system rejects negativity. We become traumatized. We don't want to try again. We doubt if we can be successful. We think retaking the test is a waste of time.

I don't blame you if you feel this way. I would to. And my heart will be shattered in a million

Just like a lion after a grueling battle, we lick our wounds and wait for it to heal. Then, on to the next battle.

Are you wounded in battle?
Are you during a time of healing?

Everyone is given time to heal.