I want to welcome you to this site.This is an interactive site.
I want to encourage you to post your comments on the entry for that particular day.
I'd like to hear what you think. Here's looking forward to you. Thanks!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hello. Welcome to my newest blog about anything and everything.

In my personal blog, I can't really talk about any topic since it's focused on myself and my life. But here, I can type about ...well..anything and everything. I decided to put up this blog because I would like to give my two cents worth on some of the issues that circulate the web, the world and life in general. That means a lot of word to type and more brain cells to burn. That's good that my brain is being used. Keeps it in shape.

Also, I am hoping this site can bring in some web traffic (in the form of visitors) and can become a place to discuss the topics or entries. I enjoy a good conversation. Not that we won't see any debates here. But I do promote points raised because we can learn from each other. Who knows?

Everyone has an experience to share. Maybe the posts here will spark you to remember them and share them to all those who read.

Now, with all things said, what do we do?

I'll post the entries. You read them and react.

With your visits, it can also attract some potential advertisements from local and foreign outfits. I've always wanted to try something like this. With your help, we can make it happen.

I have plenty of plans for this site. Blogs. Discussions. Podcasts. The sky is the limit.

I hope you can find the time to check this out once a day. Then put your fingerprint in the entries.

For now, that's all. Tomorrow, we see what we can talk about.

Until then, thank you and God bless!