I want to welcome you to this site.This is an interactive site.
I want to encourage you to post your comments on the entry for that particular day.
I'd like to hear what you think. Here's looking forward to you. Thanks!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today, April 30, one of the most anticipated comic book icons to be immortalized in the silver screen will be shown at all movie theaters in the Philippines - IRON MAN.

I'm just waiting for my wife to finish her meeting. Afterwards, it is off to the movie house and watch IRON MAN. I'm really excited about this character. For years, I have read the comics and seen the cartoon. Tonight, I'll get to witness Tony Stark in the flesh. I will be posting my thoughts on the movie. Not necessarily tell you the story. But I'll just give you some glimpses here and there.

Hope you guys catch this movie. And I am hoping this won't be a disappointing film. From the way Marvel rolls out its movies (such as X-MEN and the Spiderman franchise), this one is sure to be a box-office hit.

Here's a trailer of the film:

If you get to see the film, post you comments here. I wanna hear what you think.

See you at the movies.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008


It was 3pm as we went to The Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City to attend the NICKELODEON WEEKEND CARNIVAL. They have been promoting the event for weeks at Nickelodeon. It looked exciting. Besides, it's FREE. My sons and I were pumped to go. I mean you don't get to attend a Nickelodeon event. So why not. Besides, it's FREE.

Parking was good. There were designated areas for parking which was highly appreciated. It's good that the organizers thought of the importance of allotting parking spaces for its guests.

We got there and there were some people there already. Not much activity was happening. As we entered the place, we were given some stubs with numbers for the raffle and some goody bags (which contained toys and products from the sponsors). Not bad.

Inside the grounds, tents were set up each with a certain activity. They had different characters representing a related event. Spongebob had a water-themed activity (duh). The kids had to "fish" the star fish with a fish pole strapped on a helmet. The end of the line was a magnet. Those who get the star fish get a little sticker. Of course, not all the star fish were "fishable." Some were made of wood so the magnet couldn't stick. My son and his tita got the star fish and some tokens.

After a few hours, the grounds were filled with people. I saw some familiar faces. Some were from the church I pastor. I saw these kids were just so excited to be there. As for the parents, I applaud them for braving the sun and the humidity. Good job parents. What we do for our kids is truly extraordinary.

As for me, I did enjoy despite the setbacks. If you see my photo here, I got my hair glazed with silver spray. I looked like DANNY PHANTOM for a day. Actually, adults were not allowed to have their hair sprayed. But I somehow got the nod from the in-charge.

I saw Spongebob Squarepants, Patrick Star and Danny Phantom (mascots). I was hoping I could get a picture with them for the website. Unfortunately, it only took about 2 minutes. I was hoping they could go around and say HI to everyone. But I guess they wouldn't want an incident that Spongebob gets squashed by 1000 kids. Now that would be something to talk about.

There were long lines as expected. But it didn't matter to the kids. They were just having a ball.

We were there for about four hours and the people just kept coming in.

All in all, I was great being in an event like this. When you have an event like this in your town, come and give the kid inside you a chance to get out. I didn't have second thoughts getting silver hair even though I am a pastor. I mean, you'd think that you'll be conscious about it, right? I guess it's just me. The kid inside me still lives.

Watch the video report.

Folks! I need to hear from you. Post a comment here. Let's have a conversation.

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Friday, April 25, 2008


There will be a NICKELODEON WEEKEND CARNIVAL (April 26, 2008) from 3PM to 8PM at Bonifacio Global City Open Field (Behind NBC Tent), Metro Manila, Philippines. And one thing great..IT'S FREE!!!

As I have read in their post at nicksplat.com (click here to view), "This will be an adventurous journey to the different, exciting worlds of some of Nickelodeon's characters we love! Your favorite Nick characters all under one gigantic, splat-filled roof – or should we say - tent? Get ready to meet and greet Danny Phantom and SpongeBob SquarePants with Patrick Star!"

Also, "There will also be amazing carnival capers, games bursting with awesome prizes! Kids can enjoy a huge exciting inflatable, and see walking jugglers, fire eaters, animals galore with unexpected Nickelodeon surprises and gallons of smackin' green goo!"

I am hoping you guys can go and have some fun. We all need some time to get in touch with our kid inside. Being an adults can sometimes be too stressful. If you're there, just have fun. I'll be posting a report on this afterwards.

If you happen to go, how about sharing what you experienced there? Send me some picture or maybe a video of yourself in the event? How about I feature you on the site? Email me at info@iwannatalkabout.com.

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One of the most anticipated movies of all time. The movie that can only be done today due to the advancement of movie-making technology. IRON MAN can now be brought to life. And I am ready to watch this movie in its full glory.

When I first saw the trailer of this movie on the internet, I was totally blown away. For years, I have read the comic books, played the toys, worn the mask, colored the coloring books, watch the cartoon and played the video games. Now, IRON MAN will be on the screen. I am hoping the film stays true to the origin of the story plus gives some extra "umph" to it.

Here's the official trailer of the film. Watch it and join me with anticipation.

In the Philippines, the movie comes out April 30, 2008. I will be posting my thoughts on the movie once I do see it. Believe me! I will post here.

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I am happy to announce that IWANNATALKABOUT TV is ON AIR - TESTING. We'll not really ON AIR as in invisible television signals or cable but on THE INTERNET. Yes! I was able to record a video yesterday and I have uploaded it here.

The videos are here to provide you with a better interactive experience. Not only that but, we want you to know that there is a real human being behind this web project. In the videos to follow, I will be doing product reviews, read your comments and give my opinions to certain topics. Maybe I'll let you tag along with some of the most interesting things in life.

Who knows? You might just be on the show.

Right now, I'm testing it on Youtube. But I'm also looking at other sites that can make our viewing experience better. Tune in soon.

I've got some stuff I want to implement on this site so I hope you can join me for the ride.

Until then, God bless!

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Thursday, April 24, 2008


I got a text message from my dad today. They were so funny that I just have to post it here today. I hope you can get a kick out of this and give your soul something to laugh about. Besides, these are clean jokes so it's OK.


  1. Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.
  2. Having one (1) child makes you a parent. Having two (2) makes you a referee.
  3. Marriage is a relationship wherein one person is always right and the other person is the husband.
  4. They say that we should all pay our taxes with a smile. I tried that but they wanted cash.
Something to put a smile on your face today, folks. Hope this helps your soul find it's smile.

Till then.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


As my contribution to water conservation, I used a TABO for my bath today. Translated to English: Dipper.

I know. Some people may feel weird that I used a dipper to take a bath. But, in this part of the world (specifically in the Philippines), we use tabo (dipper) and balde (pail) when we take a bath. Yes. We also use showers (we're not so 3rd world, you know.) But the tabo and balde is a cost-effective way of using water. You take one pail of water and use it effectively. This way, you control how much water you use in every bathing session.

Others might find it funny or even weird. But if you don't have a shower available nor even water, then the tabo and balde is your best solution. It helps you conserve water.

So for EARTH DAY, my contribution is to use the tabo and balde to conserve water.

How about you? What are you doing to help out in conserving water? Let's talk.

I thank you.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Today (April 22), we celebrate EARTH DAY. People may have heard this time and time again but never really grasped the entire scope of things. EARTH DAY was as an event launched last September 1969 by former U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson to protest the growing environmental problems the world is facing. Once a year, on April 22, we remember how important the earth is to us.

Thirty-nine years later, the concerns continue to grow. Though countries have tried to create laws that will help the environment, not much as been done to implement it. Still, we use fossil fuel for our cars. We cut more trees and plant less. We waste water and natural resources. The list goes on an on.

Though we may not be presidents of countries of CEOs of companies, we can do our part in making a global impact.


For more info about EARTH DAY, visit the following links:

Put your comments here and LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008


I want to CONGRATULATE everyone for helping the site reach 300 visitors in two days. When we posted the challenge, the site had about 220 visitors. After two days, we were able to reach our target.

I was very excited to check the site these past two days. I was like a kid waiting for Christmas to come. For me, this website has been somewhat therapeutic and a welcome distraction. I wanted something to lure my mind away from some personal situations. Currently, I'm channeling my thoughts and energy in this web project which I hope will be successful.

To all the visitors and partners of the site, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am working on making the site even better every day. Soon, we may have some online contests or maybe send in some pictures that we can post here. Still, our topics of conversation will remain interesting.

Have to sleep now, folks. Thank you again! You don't know how much this means to me.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008


Hello folks! I have a bit of a challenge for you. With the site just up a few weeks and visitors coming in often, we were able to reach 200 visits. Not bad for a site that isn't known in the bloggersphere. But do you think we can work together and reach 300 visitors or more in just two days?

Think about it. If we can just post in our blogs or our social network accounts or emails about IWANNATALKABOUT.COM, then we can reach 300 visitors in a span of minutes. If it's not too much to ask, but can you help me out in this endeavor. I am doing my best to give you guys informative and inspirational posts. Help me spread the word.

All you need to do is put a link like "VISIT www.IWANNATALKABOUT.com" in your posts. This will be the first time that we will go aggressive but I know you can help out. A small feat for a big reward.

So, what do you think? Can we reach 300 in two days? Let's work together and reach our goal.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


If there is one thing I've learned from watching American Idol, each singer should not copy the song but breath new life into it. They should make every song uniquely their own even if was sung by someone else. Sung by Mandy Moore for the movie “A WALK TO REMEMBER “, Gary Valenciano does his own rendition of this Switchfoot original song. Gary V. did an excellent job in making this song his own. The album has two version – one is an acoustic version. But both versions bring out something from the song that somehow has been hidden.

With the careful use of several instruments most especially the strings, there's a certain drama that you will feel when you hear the song. It's like the soundtrack from a movie. Plus, the way Gary V. sings the song is not like Mandy Moore. He brings it two steps higher. You can feel his passion for music and the message he wants to convey.

Most people think this song is for a special someone. Actually, this is a love song for God. The singer wants to express his love for God and telling him that he is his “Only Hope.” In our times of difficulty, we need to know who our real hope truly is.

For a sneak peek, you can check out this clip from the album (with permission for Manila Genesis' Mike Jamir) at the IWANNATALKABOUTcast pocast.

That's my take on the first (and last) track of the Rebirth album – MY ONLY HOPE.

I'd like to hear your comments about it. Kindly click the COMMENTS link and leave it here. I'd really love to know what's on your mind.

Read. React. Interact. - IWANNATALKABOUT.COM

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It's a BIG DEAL for us! IWANNATALKABOUT.COM has now reached 200 visits. In less than a week, we were able to accumulate more visits and reach the 200 visitors mark.

Thank you so much for all your help. Also, please let me know how we can make this site better. Your input is much appreciated.

Let's keep those visits coming.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I want to let everyone know that my wife and I are celebrating our 8th year anniversary today.

Being married is not easy. It involves a lot of time, patience, love and understanding to make something complicated work. Aida and I have gone through so much together. Good times. Tough times. But through it all, we're still together. We don't want to be part of the divorce or annulment statistic. We want to stand out. We want to grow old together and be a better couple.

I married my best friend. And she will forever be my baby.

Happy 8th month anniversary!!!

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ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Podcast Episode 1

Hi everyone, I posted an episode to my podcast, Rodneys podcast.

Click this link to check it out:
Episode 1: Rebirth - The New Gary V. Album

- Rodney

My Odeo Channel (odeo/bbd25115147c3e46)

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Saturday, April 12, 2008


I wanna THANK YOU for visiting the new web project that launched last April 1, 2008 - "I WANNA TALK ABOUT..."

Since then, I am happy to say that we have reached 100 visitors after it was set-up last April 1 and was formally rolled out last April 4. It's been about a week and I am pleased that people do take the time to read and react on the posts. I know that it may not be a big deal for you but it is for me.

I want to thank you for visiting the site and still encourage you to post your comments about the topic there. I do want this website to really be a big thing on the internet. And, with your help, we can achieve it.

One MAJOR MILESTONE is that you can reach the site by typing http://www.iwannatalkabout.com. YES! We bought the domain name and it is now easier to go to the site. Thank God it was available! Please put it in your bookmarks.

In the next few days, there will be little things that will be added to the site. I'm working on the podcasts and it will be an integral part of the site. Afterwards, I'm looking at a video channel on youtube.

I'm finding ways of promoting the site. I'll be rolling out some promo buttons that you can post on your blog or website (such as Friendster or Multiply). This will help generate more traffic on the site.

I am open to suggestions in making the site better. Please. Let me know. It's good to also see another perspective on things.

Again, to those who have visited the site, THANK YOU. It matters so much to me. Let's just say that I'm going through a time of trial in my life and this website is helping me get through. It brings a smile on my face when I see that you read, react and post. You just don't realize how much healing you bring me.

Here's looking forward to more posts and more interaction with you.

Thank you and God bless!

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Thursday, April 10, 2008


In the midst of all the problems of our country and the future being dimmer by the day, we need something to inspire and motivate us. For Gary Valenciano, his way of contributing to make things better is through his music - a very powerful tool that reaches the world and breaks down barriers of race, color, creed or even religion. REBIRTH: THE NEWEST ALBUM OF GARY VALENCIANO

Just recently, Mr. Pure Energy released his newest album entitled "REBIRTH." (The title was suggested by his loving wife, Angeli. ) Rebirth is a collection of original and cover (previously sung by other artists) songs that provide inspiration, hope and empowerment to its listeners. True. The music man celebrates 25 years of his groove shaking - melody making career and the album can be labeled as a milestone CD to commemorate this event. But it's more than that. Written in the CD sleeve, Gary V. mentions that REBIRTH is his way of telling people about hope in the midst of hopelessness.

The album includes 15 songs (which is something awesome considering albums usually have 10 songs only) that depict the theme of the album. Every song was meticulously chosen to drive the point home. I am very impressed with the arrangements of every song especially the cover songs. The tendency for cover songs is that you’ve heard a different version again and again. You compare it to the original and say, “I like the original one better.” In this case, the arrangement brings the remakes two steps higher. We’ve got classics that probably the tweens have not heard before. It would be their first time to hear a song their dad and mom used to sing. This time it’s with a much cooler mix. And when I say cooler, I mean cooler.


  1. Only Hope
  2. When I Hear You Call
  3. Father's Love
  4. He Won't Let Go
  5. Mary, Did You Know?
  6. Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos?
  7. Letting Go
  8. Friends
  9. Better Than I
  10. Home
  11. Ohhh
  12. Shout For Joy (Gabriel Mix)
  13. Lean On Me
  14. Stand By Me
  15. Only Hope (Acoustic Version)

The CD packaging is simple yet elegant. The only plastic part is the CD holder. The cover is hard paper and the lyrics are printed in very good quality paper. It’s very thin so it’s not a space eater. Put it in your car, bag or in the office. It’s lightweight too. You barely notice it is there.

Nowadays, you barely hear music that inspires you. Usually, you get music talking about sex, babes, their bling bling, their cars and other material things. How about about love or forbidden love. It’s good to know that we have a Gary Valenciano who will take the time and “pure” energy to come out with an ambitious project despite the threats of piracy and the nearly-impossible album sales. But God knows Gary’s heart and it’s not about making money. It’s about giving hope to the hopeless and strength to the weary. He may not be the president of the country. But in his simple yet meaningful way, he can help people live another day.

I’ve been listening to the album since I bought it five days ago. It’s in my car, in my iPod and in my PC. It’s something you can soak yourself into. It’s amazing what music can do to you. It just repeats in your brain. The soul is quenched and the spirit is revitalized.
Personal shoutout:
"Mr. Gary Valenciano – you’ve done it again. You have taken a risk and it has paid big. I believe God will bless you more as your do his will. You’re efforts to bring out another inspirational CD will speak volumes. Great work, my brother."
Starting tomorrow, I will be posting 14 consecutive posts about the album. In the upcoming posts, each will be about one track of the album. You might even hear a sneak peek.

As always, I welcome your comments and opinions. Just click the link below and type them. I want to hear you out, my friend. Let’s have a conversation because I WANNA TALK ABOUT…REBIRTH THE NEW ALBUM OF GARY V.

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Monday, April 7, 2008


At first, I was skeptical. Why would somebody spend so much money on an mp3/video player? And who need 8GB or 60GB of drive space for music? I mean how can one person listen to 25,000 songs. It's just too absurd. I don't think I need so much space. And then, I ate everything I said.

Last year, my wife gave me an ipod as a coming-home present (also called Pasalubong) from Boston. She got me this RED NANO VIDEO which not much people in the Philippines have together with a customized engraved name behind the unit. How awesome could that be, huh? I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe it. I have an iPod. Now, I can listen to my music, podcasts and video.

So when I connected it to my computer and transferred all my music, videos and podcasts, next thing I knew I ran out of space. 8GB worth of space and it was packed. I still had some stuff to put inside. Then, I realized what I had said before. Who needs 60GB space? Me.

My Red iPod is an essential piece of me. The reason why is because I keep my music, uplifting sermons from the best pastors in the world and e-books that help me learn. I've read/listened to about two to three books already read by the author's themselves. I'm reading while I work out. It's great!

How about you? What's in your iPod? Ever thought of getting one?

Cmon, I wanna talk about it. Let me know. Post your opinions.

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Saturday, April 5, 2008


I love Saturdays!

It's that day of the week where I can sleep longer than usual. It's the day where I get to spend time with my family. It's when I can get lazy at home, just eat and watch TV. It's a day where I can just take my time and appreciate everything around me. Saturday is special because I get to be home (which becomes so alien during the week.)

I don't know but there's something special about Saturdays. Maybe its because it's that one day apart from the end of the week and the beginning of the week. Maybe because Saturday is that day where you can rest from work and not worry about tomorrow since it's Sunday.

Ah, Saturday.

How's your Saturday? Let's talk about it. Post your comments below

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Friday, April 4, 2008


I'm on vacation right now and I've got some spare time under my belt. Actually, a lot of time under my belt. What do you do? What can you do? Actually, you can do a lot.

I've got this list of things I wanna do and they're pretty neat. Some are ordinary. Some are extra-ordinary. But all I hope can become helpful and productive. This website is one of them. I've been planning to put one another blog site in a long time. How about writing songs? That's also in the plan. I think I can do it. I know it can.

When you have spare time, it's like a clean blackboard. You can do anything. But it's what you do that makes the difference. Not everything you do can be good.

It's nice when you're given some spare time. You can practice wisdom in doing the things that are important. You can use the time to just relax and slow down awhile. All of us need some time off.

What about you? What do you plan to do with some spare time? Tell me. Let's talk about it.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Rejection is very hard to accept especially if you were not able to explain yourself nor were given a chance to do so. We get rejected everyday. We just don't take notice sometimes because it's not much of a big deal. Just like when they don't let you part in a space or maybe someone didn't accept that brochure you're giving out in public.

But there are moments when rejections are BIG DEALS. These are the events that changes your life completely. When a girl you're courting suddenly tells you the "It's not you. It's me." routine. (Basically, she's telling you that you're not cut out to be with me.) Or how about being denied by the college you're dreamed of going to all your life. How about that job you're always wanted but was told you were not qualified to work in their company? The list goes on and on.

True. We are rejected at times by the people we don't know and the people we do know. The hurt is there. The disappointment is a lingering sensation. Our mind tell us the things we should have and should have not done. Or maybe what we should have said when given the chance. But we have no power to blast to the past.

We have to more forward.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves that we want to give up. I think it's but natural. Our system rejects negativity. We become traumatized. We don't want to try again. We doubt if we can be successful. We think retaking the test is a waste of time.

I don't blame you if you feel this way. I would to. And my heart will be shattered in a million

Just like a lion after a grueling battle, we lick our wounds and wait for it to heal. Then, on to the next battle.

Are you wounded in battle?
Are you during a time of healing?

Everyone is given time to heal.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hello. Welcome to my newest blog about anything and everything.

In my personal blog, I can't really talk about any topic since it's focused on myself and my life. But here, I can type about ...well..anything and everything. I decided to put up this blog because I would like to give my two cents worth on some of the issues that circulate the web, the world and life in general. That means a lot of word to type and more brain cells to burn. That's good that my brain is being used. Keeps it in shape.

Also, I am hoping this site can bring in some web traffic (in the form of visitors) and can become a place to discuss the topics or entries. I enjoy a good conversation. Not that we won't see any debates here. But I do promote points raised because we can learn from each other. Who knows?

Everyone has an experience to share. Maybe the posts here will spark you to remember them and share them to all those who read.

Now, with all things said, what do we do?

I'll post the entries. You read them and react.

With your visits, it can also attract some potential advertisements from local and foreign outfits. I've always wanted to try something like this. With your help, we can make it happen.

I have plenty of plans for this site. Blogs. Discussions. Podcasts. The sky is the limit.

I hope you can find the time to check this out once a day. Then put your fingerprint in the entries.

For now, that's all. Tomorrow, we see what we can talk about.

Until then, thank you and God bless!

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